...except when one of them throws up on you.
And now that I've admitted that you did this, Ian, I must also apologize to future-you. So, Future-Ian, I am sorry that I have forever recorded your upchuck onto the vast permanent record of the Internet. Hopefully by the time you are old enough to have my action affect you, the world wide web will have gone the way of the 8-track and the VCR. Either way, I don't hold any grudge against you, even though it really smelled rather horrible.
Despite the heretofore referenced incident, the night went off rather well. Jake and I gave Erin and Michael a gift certificate to a nearby favorite restaurant with an (unsolicited) offer to watch the kids while they enjoyed their meal. Claire made Jake and I a delicious pizza, Jake and Claire watched Cinderella, and I read Ian a few bedtime stories before putting him to bed.
I'm greatly looking forward to at least four more babysitting experiences (hopefully sans puke)!
Seriously though, how could you not love these two: